Monday, September 30, 2019

Indiana Building Supplies

Indiana Building Supplies – Comment An analysis of these ratios shows that both Clemens and Willis are right. All of the profitability ratios for IBS are higher than the industry average. Thus, IBS seems to have done well. And indeed, it was done well for its shareholders in 2005. Note, however, that the current and quick ratios have generally been trending downward and are significantly lower than the industry averages as well as the stipulations in the loan covenants. Thus, liquidity is poor. Moreover, inventory is turning over very slowly and the average collection period has increased significantly.These figures are manifestations of IBS’s policy of raising prices and focusing almost exclusively on Indiana customers who are relatively price-insensitive but have a more uncertain demand. It seems like IBS is charging a sufficiently high price to overcome a sales level that is significantly lower than it was in 2004. In fact, it has probably been lucky to encounter a r obust demand from its Indiana customers (it is reasonable to assume negligible demand from Ohio and Missouri), so that it did not experience a more precipitous decline in sales relative to its 2004 sales.In addition to this, IBS has also experienced very high volatility in its liquidity and inventory turnover ratios during 2005, another development that is consistent with its pricing strategy. The lengthening of the collection period seems to indicate that Indiana customers are more risky in the sense that they don’t pay as promptly as the average customer. What does this mean for the bank? Peter Willis is correct in being concerned. What IBS seems to be doing is to adopt a strategy of increasing risk for the possibility of higher profit.Raising the prices of its outputs is equivalent to concentrating on the Indiana market and excluding the Ohio and Missouri markets. This means changing its market in such a way that IBS now faces a riskier demand schedule for its products, bu t one that yields it higher profits if it is â€Å"lucky†. Since the bank is simply repaid what it is owed, it does not benefit from this higher profit-higher risk strategy. If IBS is successful in selling off all that it produces (i. e. , if the Indiana customers exhibit sufficiently high demand), then all of the extra profits go to IBS.On the other hand, if demand is poor and IBS cannot unload its finished goods inventory, the bank may not be repaid and could be left holding a mix of finished goods, work-in-progress and raw materials inventory. So, the bank absorbs much of the risk associated with IBS’s pricing strategy. This is a classic example of moral hazard related to risky debt. Note also that IBS’s debt ratio has been increasing since 2000, and now it is well above the industry average as well as what is permitted in the loan covenants. This also hurts IBS’s creditors since their risk exposure is increased.Moreover, as we saw in our discussion of capital in this chapter, a decline in equity capital relative to total assets increases the firm’s incentive to take more risk at the creditors’ expense. So, Clemens’ willingness to go along with Klinghoffer’s suggestion now is not that surprising. Note that the benefits of increased profitability are skewed more in favor of IBS’s shareholders; for 2005 the return on the net worth of IBS is 299 basis points above the industry average, whereas its return on total assets is 70 basis points above the industry average.Let us now see if IBS could generate enough cash internally to repay FNBB its old loan as well as the new loan. As we saw in our earlier discussion, there are three sources of internal cash generation: (i)net income and depreciation, (ii)reduction of accounts receivables, and (iii)reduction of inventory. Now, suppose that we can get IBS to bring its ratios in line with industry averages. How much cash will this generate? (i) Net income a nd depreciation: Assuming cash flows from earnings and deprecation in 2006 remain the same as in 2005, we have cash flows from earnings plus deprecation = $202,500 + $72,000 = $274,500. ii)Reduction of accounts receivables: In 2005, IBS’s average collection period was 49 days, whereas the industry average was 37 days. Current accounts receivable = $600,000 (Average collection period = 49 days) Projected accounts receivable = (Sales / day) * 37 days = ($4,500,000/365) * 37 days = $456,164 where ($4,500,000/365) is sales/day for 2005. If IBS could reduce its average collection period by 12 days, it could generate $600,000 – $456,164 = $143,836 (iii)Inventory: In 2005, IBS’s inventory turnover ratio was 5, whereas the industry average was 8. 5.If IBS could increase its ratio to the industry average by reducing its inventory, then this would generate $900,000 – $529,412 = $370,588, where $900,000 is the actual 2005 inventory and $529,412 = year 2005 IBS sales / 8. 5. Adding up these three sources gives us $788,924 (=$274,500 + $143,836 + $370,588). If a new loan were to be extended, IBS would owe FNBB $473,000 + $220,000 = $693,000, assuming a 10% interest on the new loan and no new interest accumulation on the old loan. Thus, if sufficient preventive measures could be taken, IBS could generate enough cash internally to pay off the bank. A word of caution, though.The $788,924 is a very optimistic estimate since it assumes that IBS can bring its ratios in line with industry averages without affecting its profit margin. This is unlikely. We would recommend not calling the old loan and extending the new loan, but asking IBS to do the following: 1. Reduce sales prices so as to be competitive with sellers in Ohio and Missouri. 2. Pursue a more aggressive marketing strategy to reduce inventories and accounts receivables. 3. Cut back on production to ensure inventory does not get stockpiled. 4. Get tough in collecting old accounts from Indiana customers even if it means sacrificing some future business. .Provide some augmentation of equity by cutting back on dividends and possibly issuing some more new equity at an appropriate time. Get the debt ratio down. 6. Do not take on new debt to replace the $200,000 that will be paid off with the bank loan. 7. Secure the bank loan with specific (inside) collateral if not already done so. 8. Design a realistic periodic loan repayment plan. 9. Consider the possibility of asking for a personal loan guarantee from Bob Clemens. We have assumed that the accounting practices of other firms in the industry are comparable to IBS’s, so that a comparative ratio analysis like this is meaningful.

Biopure Hbs Summary

Andrew Walters 3/22/12 Biopure Biopure Corporation specializes in blood substitutes for transfusion patients, both in the veterinary market and the human market. However, in 1998, Biopure faced the monumental decision of whether to begin selling Oxyglobin, a blood substitute, to the veterinary market or to wait until Hemoglobin, a blood substitute for the human market, became available for sale. The problem is whether or not the company should launch Oxyglobin before Hemoglobin is FDA-approved or wait until after Hemoglobin is approved and released into the human market.I would recommend that they release Oxyglobin immediately rather than wait for Hemoglobin’s FDA-approval. The reasoning behind this decision follows from an analysis of both the veterinary blood substitute market and the human blood substitute market. I would recommend this because Hemopure is still at least 2 years away from FDA approval, Blood substitute competitors have a more established brand and more mone y; success of Oxyglobin would help Biopure compete against these factors, and failure of other drugs makes introduction of Hemopure a financial risk.There will be many decisions that will have to be made as a result of this. Biopure executives will have to make is what price to charge per unit of Oxyglobin. The veterinary market is small and price-sensitive. The two surveys that Biopure conducted in 1997 to test the sensitivity of the animal blood substitute market found that 25 percent and 80 percent of veterinarians would try Oxyglobin in noncritical and critical cases, respectively, if the product was priced at $150.Therefore, Biopure should charge $150 per unit of Oxyglobin. In conclusion, I recommend that Biopure introduce Oxyglobin into the veterinary blood substitute market at a price of $150 per unit in order to gain respect and brand awareness in the blood substitute market and to provide a source of income for Biopure while they await FDA approval for Hemopure. (Ref. http: //hstrial- laurendecker. homestead. com/biopurecasestudy)

Air Pollution. What is it?

Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases, which can be fatal. Conservation of our environment has been a topic of discussion and concern to many leaders around the world throughout history. There is every need and reason for human beings to talk of the environment since the life wholly depends of the ability of the environment to support it without any threat. As a result, the fight against environmental pollution is still a challenge in both developed and developing countries. This aimed at having safe and sustainable water, air and soil among other natural resources. Of great concern has been air pollution. What is air pollution? This can be simply described as the introduction of harmful materials into the atmosphere which cause harm to human beings and other living things. The question has always been the understanding of the causes of the causes of air pollution without addressing relevant control measures. Air pollution is mainly caused by exhaust gases from cars, burning of low-quality coal for heating and uncontrolled factory releases. Ownership and use of cars and other automobiles has been considered as one of the greatest developments in the transport industry. Although cars are a luxury in life, many people have never given a thought to the harm they have on the environment. Research has revealed that exhaust gases from cars contribute significantly to air pollution in the world today. How exactly does this occur? It is important to mention that exhaust from cars, trucks and other engines release harmful gases to the atmosphere which severely affect life on earth. Common and dangerous gases emitted in the atmosphere include but not limited to carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide. Nevertheless, the process of emission has never been understood by many people who do understand air pollution. While the levels of these emissions ay seem minute and negligible, many lives continue to suffer. Global warming which is a worldwide scourge mainly emanates from high levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. Accumulation of this gas in the atmosphere causes pores in the ozone layer, allowing the penetration of dangerous rays to the earth surface. It is painful to mention that most of the cancer related infections affecting the current generation are highly brought ab out by global warming. How economical and healthy would life be without it! In addition, Carbon monoxide causes respiratory problems in human beings. High levels of this gas inhibit proper breathing which may lead to suffocation and eventually death. Air pollution is also caused by burning of low-quality coal for heating. The use of low-quality coal and petroleum products threatens the safety and quality of air. When this type of coal is burnt, cases such as carbon dioxide are released to the atmosphere causing extremely severe effects to the environment. This has been on the increase due to ever growing demand for coal as the main source of energy and its fair availability. Carbon dioxide combines with oxygen and atmospheric water vapor to form a weak carbonic acid. This means that air becomes concentrated with the acid. During the process of rain formation this acid reaches the earth surface in the form acid rain which has countless effects. Acid rain is corrosive and affects plants and animals. This corrosion causes skin cancer and scorches plants. Acid rain also destroys metals and iron sheets used for roofing. Uncontrolled industrial emissions is another cause if air pollution. This has remained a thorn in the flesh of many leaders especially those from industrialized nations. Untreated gaseous releases to the atmosphere do more harm than good to people. Gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide contribute to thousands of health and environmental problems. Like Carbon dioxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen also lead to the formation of acid rain which later reaches the earth surface resulting to corrosion, destruction of crops on farms and cancer related infections among others. It is obvious that the world has to do something to salvage the atmosphere from pollution. Use of refined and good uality can help in cutting down the emission of dangerous gaseous materials in air. Finally, leaders need to formulate policies which control the amount of industrial waste released in the atmosphere. These are just but among numerous solutions towards air pollution. Nevertheless, exhaust gases from cars, burning of low-quality coal for heating and uncontrolled factory releases remain key causes of air pollution. Exposure to air pollution is associat ed with numerous effects on human health, including pulmonary, cardiac, vascular, and neurological impairments. The health effects vary greatly from person to person. High-risk groups such as the elderly, infants, pregnant women, and sufferers from chronic heart and lung diseases are more susceptible to air pollution. Children are at greater risk because they are generally more active outdoors and their lungs are still developing. Exposure to air pollution can cause both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) health effects. Acute effects are usually immediate and often reversible when exposure to the pollutant ends. Some acute health effects include eye irritation, headaches, and nausea. Chronic effects are usually not immediate and tend not to be reversible when exposure to the pollutant ends. Some chronic health effects include decreased lung capacity and lung cancer resulting from long-term exposure to toxic air pollutants. The scientific techniques for assessing health impacts of air pollution include air pollutant monitoring, exposure assessment, dosimetry , toxicology, and epidemiology. Although in humans pollutants can affect the skin, eyes and other body systems, they affect primarily the respiratory system. Air is breathed in through the nose, which acts as the primary filtering system of the body. The small hairs and the warm, humid conditions in the nose effectively remove the larger pollutant particles. The air then passes through the pharynx, esophagus, and larynx before reaching the top of the trachea. The trachea divides into two parts, the left and the right bronchi. Each bronchi subdivides into increasingly smaller compartments. The smallest compartments of the bronchi are called bronchioles, which contain millions of air sacs called alveoli. Together, the bronchioles and alveoli make up the lungs. Both gaseous and particulate air pollutants can have negative effects on the lungs. Solid particles can settle on the walls of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. Most of these particles are removed from the lungs through the cleansing (sweeping) action of â€Å"cilia†, small hair-like outgrowths of cells, located on the walls of the lungs. This is what occurs when you cough or sneeze. A cough or sneeze transports the particles to the mouth. The particles are removed subsequently from the body when they are swallowed or expelled. However, extremely small particles may reach the alveoli, where it takes weeks, months, or even years for the body to remove the particles. Gaseous air pollutants may also affect the function of the lungs by slowing the action of the cilia. Continuous breathing of polluted air can slow the normal cleansing action of the lungs and result in more particles reaching the lower portions of the lung. Briefly there are three main principle strategies to solve the air pollution problem which can be categorized as energy efficiency ,reduce waste and move to non-polluting renewable of energy production. In the first place and as the simplest strategy, reducing waste can be considered. Waste products increasing day by day and they have the effect of air pollution highly. If people care to reduce waste, the problem can be solved. To begin with, people choose eco-friendly product instead of non-environmentally friendly product such as handcraft products, paper bags and notebook. Therefore they can reduce waste. Secondly people can use hybrid cars and they can become prevalent using hybrid cars. This will not only increase waste of environment but also people attend to protect nature. Finally we can recycle our products. We are grouping in the form of waste such as glass, plastic, paper. We send them to recycling. In this way we reduce waste. This in three ways, we reduce waste so we can prevent the speared of air pollution. As previously stated, the second way to deal with air pollution crisis can be solved energy efficiency. People prevent unnecessary gas emissions by using energy efficiency. If they provide energy efficiency, they can reduce using fossil fuels so that they can prevent air pollution. First of all, people can benefit from sunshine. They can install solar-powered appliances in their home and job. By doing this , they can have a very large economic saving. The energy savings in a home and job reduce energy consumption. For example, they use combining insulation, high R-value windows, weather sealing, efficient hot water heating and other that minimize energy use. Thanks to energy efficiency , they expect to see lower energy bills and lower water bills. People can be save energy with some steps. To illustrate, they can check their windows for cracks and breaks in the seals but its long way to savings energy. Another step is adjust their thermostat before going to sleep. By doing this, their thermostat doesn’t work for hours. It is only working set hours. Secondly using time efficiency is another part of energy savings. For example the sun heats day time but it coals at night so they must use thermostat for to heat their house. This is very expensive for them. Therefore if they set up their time, they can use energy much longer and they will not have to use the thermostat. Finally people can establish organization to direct people to use energy efficiently or can support existing organizations. Actually we have very important organizations that inform to people about energy efficiency. These organizations are doing very important things. We can give them at least moral and financial support by joining them. Thus we can provide energy efficiency. By this ways, people can prevent a lot of elements of polluting the environment by using energy efficiency and they would avoid breathing polluted air. The third way to move non-polluting renewable of energy production. Currently widely used in fossil fuels run out and fossil fuels pollutes the air too much. Therefore people tend to non-polluting renewable energy production such as wind, water , and sun beat. Wind power is very important source for generating electricity. According to Jacobson, the important way to improve energy security, mitigate reduce the number of death caused by air pollution to storm and bluster in the wind. It is very cheap than nuclear power plant and fossil fuels and it is cleaning. Another part of non-polluting renewable product is water rippling is another important way to product energy without polluting air. If government establish baraj, they can provide electricity for people. It is effective way to protect air pollution to people. Actually this way has been used worldwide for a long time to generate huge amounts of power from water stored. In this ways, people save energy as well as they protect nature and they don’t pollute the air. They would do something that does not harm for humans. To sum up, reduce waste, energy efficiency and move to non-polluting renewable of energy productivity are the three main ways to solve air pollution problem. Reduce waste is the easiest way to solve air pollution because it needs much less labor work than the other ways but it will be satisfied for to cleaning environment. Energy efficiency is the best way to solve air pollution because of helping by whole people that they can help and support energy efficiency. Because energy efficiency save both the environment and their money and move to non-polluting renewable of energy production is still the most difficult way to solve air pollution. The information show that people pay more attention to this issue every day and science and technology is developing rapidly people believe that experts will solve the problem. We should give more effort to solve this problem until that day.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Office Equipment and Machines

Office work must always be done with good accuracy to ensure quality of the work output. In this case, machines have been of great help to offices in doing much more work at great speed. Every day, different types of machines are used in an office to help workers in their specific tasks. A basic definition of a machine is that it is an instrument to aide in performing a particular task; from the small calculator to the computers, these are all considered machines. Office equipment are consist of different types of machines that aide the workers in doing their job. These machines have different types of classification according to their functions. There are machines that are used for communication, recording, duplicating, etc. Each type of machine does different jobs in order to make the task much easier and for the workers to be able to finish it within a small period of time. Machines such as computers are also needed for keeping records of transactions for future use or basis. Saving files in a computer nowadays are more convenient and a lot easier than putting them in folders and boxes. Today, computers are the most common machine seen within an office. This is because computers can do many functions at once. Machines are believed to function better than a human worker. This is why offices often choose to obtain more machines than to hire more workers. This lessens the employment in some offices. It is true that machines have a great benefit in doing work within an office. But a machine is a mere aide or a tool for the completion of task. Human intervention is still needed in order for these machines to function well. II. Body. Workers need equipment for doing their daily job in the office. These equipment serve as tools in doing their tasks. These are commonly seen on a workers desk, drawers and cabinets. Basic equipment would be; pen, paper, scissors, pins, clips, staplers, and the like. Other equipment in the office are used in presenting, analyzing, storing, receiving/sending, recording, and duplicating and even accounting of data. These are the equipment that have more complex functions than the basic equipment. The computer is a machine that does all of these functions. It is the most convenient type of machine in an office. But although it has the most capabilities, other machines are still deemed to be useful in most situations. For example, you can send e-mails through a computer. This is a type of communication. In some cases, you can also make an outgoing or receive and incoming call with a computer. But since the majority of offices use the land-line or the telephone, it would be convenient to use the latter than that of the former. Another example, printing files are possible with a computer. But to duplicate these files, a photocopier is much faster and an ink-saver in duplicating documents. The office is consists of these various types of equipment. With different functions, they tend to work best with proper handling by an operator/worker. Machines were made by humans in order to help them in their task, not to replace human workers in an office. These machines, like the basic equipment, are just tools that are to be used by people to hasten their work and to improve its quality and quantity. III. Conclusion Office Equipment are aide in maximizing the quality and quantity of an output. And it works best when it is in a good condition. These equipment are still dependable to human for repairs and preservation. Office equipment and machines are useless without human interventions. They would simply be tools if there are no operators controlling/using it. Although it is easier to control a machine than that of a human worker, we should also consider that this is because man is the most complex machine. Man is capable of more things that a computer is able to do. This led to creation of machines which would help in accomplishing tasks or goals.

Case Study of Organisation Culture: Google Essay

Google, one of the world’s wealthiest and fastest growing companies, is often presented as a model of a ‘progressive’ organisation. What lessons can other businesses learn? The white paper on work in 2020, released by the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) last month, contained a summary of aspects of Google’s culture, and drew some conclusions about its implications for other organisations. Established in 1998, Google now employs more than 20,000 people, has been adding staff at the rate of around 6000 per year, and receives around 7000 unsolicited job applications per day. Core culture statements Google has three core culture statements: 1. People are the most important asset. 2. You can be serious without wearing a suit. 3. You can make money without doing evil. Built-in ‘innovation time’ Google provides ‘innovation time off’, that is, one work day out of every five is allocated to solving problems. All business ‘problems’ are circulated to all staff for ‘solution sessions’. Work environment Amenities and benefits at Google’s US Head Office include 19 restaurants, free dental care, a health centre, haircuts, massages, a crà ¨che, gymnasiums, a hotel, laundry, car wash and community bus. The restaurant tables are oval-shaped, on the assumption that social interactions stimulate knowledge and learning breakthroughs. The aim is for people to interact with each other while they are eating, and the underlying cultural assumption is that work and other life should be merged as much as possible. Google wants its employees to spend as much time as possible there. But it’s not for everyone The AHRI white paper points out that one of the potential drawbacks of this ‘work is life’ culture is that if things go wrong at work, they are likely to go wrong in other aspects of your life as well. It is therefore important to maintain connections with people in your life outside employment. Genuine work–life balance implies that everyone needs to be part of something else outside the workplace — not all the core family, friends and relationships should reside or be nurtured within the workplace.

Metropolis Movie Analysis

German, silent, science fiction film that was released in 1927 during what was considered to be the end of the Whimper Cinema era. Metropolis is considered to be an expressionist film due to its use of symbols found in the scenery, over exaggerated acting style, and heavy makeup. The scenery in the film was delivered in a black and white, dreamlike, theatrical tone. A lot of the objects found in the scenery were found as a symbolic connotation to the subtle meanings expressed throughout.As discussed in class, we had noticed a definite religious over tone with the imagery seen throughout including scenes displayed in the Garden of Eden, Catacombs, Babel and cross imagery. The main character of the film is a young man named Freer who is the son of the all mighty and powerful Josh Preferred. Josh is seen as a self-righteous and inconsiderate man who is the head of the town Metropolis and is in charge of all the workers whose hands power this town.Josh however is not a fair boss and work s his men to unbearable extremes. As discussed in class, you are able to notice one the many expressionist attributes in this film being how the workers In the film move aerobically as if they are a machine and have been euthanized by their occupation. These workers are not seen by Josh as humans but are rather seen as the light switch flipping on and off the machines, powering his business. Freer is the median trying to bring both of these two clashing worlds together.He tries to help the workers value themselves as human beings as well as help to show his father that these workers aren't his slaves. The expressive and overall basis of the movie Lies within the repetitively used saying throughout the film, â€Å"The median between the hands and the head Is the heart. † The overall meaning of the film Is expressed through the scenery and acting In film. As It Is a silent expressionist film, the acting Is reliant on conveying this meaning by the over exaggerated movements and emotions displayed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Changes in Bangladesh

Bangladesh came to today's shape through a long history of political evolution. Bengal was probably the wealthiest part of the subcontinent up till the 16th century. The area's early history featured a succession of Indian empires, internal squabbling, and a tussle between Hinduism and Buddhism for dominance. All of this was just a prelude to the unstoppable tide of Islam which washed over northern India at the end of the 12th century. Mohammed Bakhtiar Khalzhi from Turkistan captured Bengal in 1199 with only 20 men. That was just the beginning. The journey of Bangladesh goes on. Today here I am going to state the changes I have experienced through my life. So it will be a comparison between the last of nineteenth century and the early of twentieth century. It might be a much smaller time limit for a country but still there has been a gigantic change in the life of Bangladeshi people and in Bangladesh. Cultural Change: 1. Earlier most people of Bangladesh used to watch BTV. There were no other channels available then. Now the scenario has changed people are attracted to some foreign channels. Which may not be bad, but some has become addicted to this channels like the Indian channels (serials, movie, songs etc). Also we are watching English movies, songs, serials also. So different cultural practice is going around the country so much in number. 2. Dresses of this country among youth have changed drastically now-a-days it is easy to found western dresses in young people. Foreign culture is introduced largely in this country. Short dresses are worn by women, boys are found in shorts and thus modernization in a western manner. . Celebration of days like Valentine’s Day, friendship day and many other occasions has been celebrated all over the country. People wearing different dress and exchanging gifts on this occasion. 4. Before the cultures we have for instant, ‘pohela boishakh’, ‘pohela falgun ‘ was celebrated in a usual manner but now it has become a greater event to rejoice. The celebration has covered the villages also. Language change: The British Empire ruled the Indian subcontinent for almost 200 years (from 1757–1947). During this colonial period, there are immense changes in the education and cultural sectors of the continent. The impact of the colonial rule also continued to be felt in the postcolonial period. During colonial rule, the changes had influenced immensely the indigenous people in particular. The changes, that took place in the culture and lifestyle of the indigenous groups of Bangladesh during the colonial period was mainly because of their conversion to the Christian religion and involvement in the urban workforce. But there is no doubt that changes in continues to take place in the language & culture of the indigenous people even the postcolonial era. The reasons behind these changes are mainly: destruction of the forests, unemployment, development of communication, interaction with the Bengalis for business purposes, educational expansion etc. It should be noted that, although much modification took place among the indigenous group of people, there was no involvement of the state. The only step has been taken that, a cultural institute was established to look after their language and culture. Regrettably, very little of their cultural life is to be seen in the mass media. In Bangladesh, although decision has been taken for the indigenous group of the people about five years back to allow them to obtain primary education in their own (mother) language; it is yet to take place in reality. The survivals of the indigenous language are now at stake because of the domineering influence of the state language, which is Bengali. Here, some examples of language and cultural changes are presented. 1. Most of the indigenous of Bangladesh had their own language and words. Now, in their everyday life they use 30-40% Bengali words (they also used few English words). 2. Shifting cultivation (Jum chas) was much related with indigenous life and culture of Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT). But in the year 1961 after building the kaptai dam (CHT), 70% of indigenous (CHT) bound to leave this special type of cultivation. As a result, changes have taken place in their folk culture, worship & festival, which were related with shifting cultivation. 3. One of the indigenous of the Bangladesh is called Chakma. They had their own language & script, named ‘Ojhapata’. Now this script is not used, instead they are habituated to Bengali script. Climate Change: As one of the countries most seriously affected by climate change and natural disasters, Bangladesh has been forced to be resourceful and resilient. Without outside help, however, the country of 160 million will not have the capacity to address climate-related environmental changes as their severity and frequency increase. The United States should augment its focus on adaptation measures when providing the South Asian nation with aid. The repercussions of global warming on Bangladesh are diverse and wide-reaching. The environmental changes that are occurring directly affect all aspects of society. Human health, food security, industry and energy security, infrastructure, and economic development are all threatened by climate change. According to the World Bank, 40 percent of foreign aid to Bangladesh is vulnerable to climate-related factors. In a country as densely populated as Bangladesh, even small-scale shifts in ecological systems have a profound humanitarian impact. As the effects of climate change continue to intensify, the potential for social, economic, and humanitarian disaster is rapidly increasing. One of the most serious impacts of climate change is on human migration. As sea levels rise and a vast proportion of Bangladesh becomes inundated, many will have no choice but to flee their homes. Bangladeshi â€Å"land squatters† have for decades settled on vulnerable islands of silt known as chars. already vulnerable during monsoons, this rootless population is sure to increase. With higher sea levels and stronger storms, the chars are quickly eroding under their inhabitants' feet. Farmers who can no longer cultivate their land, inhabitants of coastal areas that have been submerged in sea water, and other impoverished Bangladeshis who are forced to leave their homes to escape from climate change will become environmental refugees. They will spill over into Bangladesh's neighboring countries and may end up in the already crowded slums of cities like Calcutta, Delhi, and Mumbai. Political change: From the very beginning politics of Bangladesh is largely same. One government goes another comes but nothing changes the life of the poor people. The need of development is still a crying need. It has been 40 years but still we could not secure the daily need of food, clothing, shelter, education, medication for everyone. It has been a common promise from every political party that they will do it after winning the election but at the end of the day the result is still same. It’s a real shame for country like us. We have a great history like the liberation war. So it’s very sad for us that political character hasn’t changed yet. Eighteen or twenty years are not a big time. The original culture is still kept in our mind. It is obvious that country’s culture is changing. Culture is such thing that is to be compared with river, it has no end, and it goes on. Therefore we must try to keep our culture clean and must have respect for our culture. It is not build in a day. Cultural history of Bangladesh is very rich. To continue this culture it’s our duty to learn about it. It must be taught in school, what our culture is. At the end I want to say I love my country and have full respect for my culture.

Is Company Sponsorship in the University a Boon or Evil Coursework

Is Company Sponsorship in the University a Boon or Evil - Coursework Example When the sponsoring company controls the curriculum in the university, they put into the design the long experience they have gathered from the field of their expertise. They could contribute practical insights relevant to the study needed by the student and is proven to be practical guides. Furthermore, they can give inputs as to what kind of studies and researches are really needed by the industries that could contribute to the sciences. It becomes advantageous to students in the sense that they are assured that the knowledge they are getting comes from the rightful authorities whom they could use as sources of information for their study. In terms of employment, students from this particular university have an edge over other employees because they have practically mastered the skills needed by the industry that designed the program.Let us take the example of McDonald's that will be sponsoring Health Sciences.   McDonald's could probably be interested in the field of Health Scie nce because of its program on nutrition, diet, and fitness. Taking control of the curriculum on Health Science by McDonald would lead to the development of the design of researches for the improvement of Nutrition, diet, and fitness which are part of Health Science study. It is advantageous for students because they are practically putting in efforts and contributing to the wealth of information that could benefit the wellbeing of man.   The partnership assures McDonald's of the continuous research on the field that could be useful in their business in the long run.

Responses to this week questions (2) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Responses to this week questions (2) - Assignment Example The safety messages would not be acceptable to all the parents. The prevalent negative attitude would make some of them to establish other arguments that would counter the new safety information. Therefore, the attitude held by such parents should first be changed before they are introduced to the safety messages thus ensuring that the messages or facts will be effective on them (Vedantam, 2014). People may opt to ignore or take certain matters for granted without credible basis. It is imperative for such people to first understand how certain things work as opposed to making uniformed decisions that results into ignorance. If a person can explain a particular issue, the inference that can be made is that the individual has prior understanding of the matter and reacts appropriately. It is less likely for an individual that is able to understand and explain certain issues to resort to ignorance. Ignorance is common among people who choose to disregard issues without trying to understand them exhaustively. Therefore, for ignorance to be eradicated, people should explain how things work as opposed to holding baseless positions that are characterized by ignorance. Vedantam, Shankar. (March 4, 2014). When It Comes To Vaccines, Science Can Run Into A Brick Wall. NPR. Web. June 13, 2015. Retrieved from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trusts - Essay Example There are a number of benefits where trust is concerned. For instance, specific terms can be made hence controlling who or when distributions can be made (Ramjohn, 8). Agatha was a renowned business woman in London who was believed to be without parents and grew up in the streets. She had a fleet of public transit buses, 20 business stores, 5 clothing lines, and 30 restaurants among others. As fate would have it, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer final stages. Like any other person would do, she knew that she had to leave a responsible person to manage the assets. Her firstborn son was business oriented. Her youngest daughter was barely 16 years old. In her trust therefore, she let his son benefit from the business stores and the public transit buses only when he would marry and have at least one child. The rest of the property was a trust for her daughter Eva, after completing her master’s level of education so that she would be at a better position to manage. This infor mation was taken with great amazement by her children as none of them had any idea in the first place how much their mother had left for them. She had not shown any signs that she was leaving anything behind for them as they knew that she owned nothing much. Meanwhile, the family lawyer was left in charge of all property. A trust that is properly structured can protect an asset the creditors of the beneficiary or beneficiaries who are not at a position to wisely manage their money. A trust can also be allowed to change from a public record and become private (Watt & Todd, 20). Robert was brought up from a very rich background. However, due to peer influence and the fact that his parents never denied him anything, he turned out to be an arrogant man and a drunk. Unfortunately, his parents were involved in a road accident and were pronounced dead at the arrival of the hospital. As the only child, he was placed on a trust for the family business, a top cream 5 star hotel, only when he would stop taking alcohol and own up. When Robert learnt about the trust, he was taken aback. He never would have thought that his parents would ever make him a beneficiary for anything due to his irresponsible behavior. It took him a few days and Robert sought ways of becoming sober. The board of the hotel was therefore placed in charge until then (Watt & Todd, 45). Types of trusts Marital Trust- this is whereby the beneficiary is the surviving spouse. Adam, a mechanical engineer working for Ford Motors Company, has been overly ill. At the time of his date, he made a trust for his wife as a beneficiary of all his businesses which was approximated to be about a $2,000,000. This was done by Adam without his wife’s knowledge with his reason being that she may not carry his wishes to terms. He made his wife the beneficiary so that she would be at a position to educate their two children, Paul and Eva. Adam knew his wife too well and there was no other kin he had in mind to carry such obligations rather than his wife. Adam had not given his wife reason to believe that he would place a trust on for her. At first, his wife thought it was a big joke the minute she learnt about the figure placed in her trust. That is the time that she realized how much her husband believed in her. Charitable lead trust- This kind of trust allows some benefits or assets to go to charity and what remains can go to the beneficiaries (Clements & Ademola, 121). Thomas is a person who has worked at a number of hospitals. The last years of his living, he worked for Penzance hospital. He has several houses in St Ives and Penzance. In his will, Thomas decided to place a trust for charity in the Cornwall County. The charity was to

Analysis of Social Software Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analysis of Social Software - Literature review Example Normally, social software entails unrestricted and deliberate members, who also receive reputations and confidence among themselves. Additionally, it is worthwhile noting that, commonly, members with common interests, goals, mindsets, tendencies, factions or associations create continual and lasting relationships. However, it is significant noting that, businesses did not merely adapt their online strategies to take account of the web’s ‘social’ aspects. Significantly, the stiff competition in businesses necessitated the adoption of online strategies in order to promote their brand online. Consequently, any business, whether little or huge, desires to initiate developing a strategy for Internet marketing just to withstand the stiff competition.   Considerably, it is hard, sufficient to advertise solely in the print media like newspapers, as well as yellow pages since quite forthrightly; the above two are turning into an â€Å"old-school† because myriad pe ople utilize the Internet to examine businesses prior to purchasing their respective products or commodities. Concisely, if a small business fails to embrace any form of an online strategy, it really misses out.   Significantly, small business proprietors may depend rigorously on the neighborhood or regional populace as its objective market and therefore question how a worldwide Internet marketplace can be of assistance to the business. Considerably, the reply is easy, overall the neighborhood internet searches conducted, eight over 10 projections will enquire or tour a store and six over 10 will make purchases.   This is significant because of the geo-targeting potentials of Internet hunt engines like Google.   It is worthwhile noting that social software entails online payments. Research by scholars such as Breslin has indicated that accepting online payments is never a simple matter for numerous businesses (Breslin 76). Considerably, before a business  person decides whet her to adopt online payments, he must examine several considerations. For instance, he must consider his location. If the business’s locations are in the USA, the proprietor has several options. However, if the business locations are in Canada, the proprietor has limited options. Nonetheless, in the other parts in of the world, it is sadly noting that a business proprietor has very limited options. Additionally, if the business is outside the USA or Canada, it is not recommendable for businesses to use online payments such as PayPal. Secondly, before adopting an online payment a business must consider whether it has a merchant account.  Ã‚  

IPC PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IPC PAPER - Essay Example This is an early indication of depreciating relationship in that the first three stages of the Knapp’s model – initiating, experimenting, and intensifying – skipped into the last three stages of the model: stagnating and avoiding, and almost terminating. But Danny decided to salvage his relationship with Palmer by telling her that he is getting a divorce soon and to prove this he asked his long-time friend and office manager, Katherine, to pretend as his wife. Danny and Katherine planned that Katherine would grant what Danny wanted when the three of them meet. At this point, it seems like the relationships in a film are going in circles: first, it goes through the increasing intimacy of the characters such as when Danny and Palmer met and they had slept together. But it was followed by rather degradation of relationship or a decreased intimacy after Palmer learned that Danny is married. In other words, this is to say that Knapp’s model does not necessarily describe relational developments in a way that it follows the order of the model perfectly but it could skip one stage to another. Danny was able to convince Palmer that he and his made-over wife Katherine will get a divorce soon and this has been done by Katherine telling Palmer and Danny that she is happy for both of them. At this point, the relationship of Danny and Palmer is restored and they both got to the increasing intimacy of their relationship. Danny and Palmer reached the level of integrating wherein Palmer is being introduced to Danny’s made-over family. Palmer even met up with Danny’s children, Maggie and Michael. The level of bonding in the film is quite confusing and complex in the film. This is because although it is Danny and Palmer that is having a relationship, Katherine also pretended to Devlin – Danny’s former girlfriend – that Danny is her husband. Because of this, the level of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Future of ABAP Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Future of ABAP - Research Proposal Example g language used for business application built-up by SAP.   SAP is a company of Germany that builds up ERP systems or Enterprise Resource Planning System.   These systems are utilized by corporations to trail all information connected to the business assimilate finance, sales, and resources data.   ABAP is a fourth generation language which utilized for the thousand small embedded programs known as transactions that structure the application.   ABAP is a code written in a language like COBOL that is also known as interpretive language in syntax.   The language is able to be coded to appear almost like COBOL.  Its application permits SAP clients to expand the functionality of the core product (Nina, 2000). SAP is extremely flexible, it is capable to be employed for particular business functions quite than the entire business enterprise and can be customized for the companies for there precise requirements.   Each SAP installation has its own precise configuration and set of functions.   The price of adapting is that when upgraded each customization have to be recognized in the ABAP code and modifications made.   This shows that upgrades are extremely expensive (Nina, 2000). Customization should be evaded for stretchy upgrades in the SAP software. A work process linked by means of the database and has an ABAP language processor and interpreter. ABAP residues the language for producing programs and applications for the client server R/3 system, which SAP initially came out in year 1992 (Nina, 2000). As computer hardware area developed in the course of the 1990s, progressively of SAPs systems and applications were written in ABAP background. SAP offered an object oriented addition to ABAP known as ABAP Objects, by the side of with R/3 release 4.6 in year1999. By year 2001, all except the mainly basic functions were written and coded in ABAP language (Boyle, 2007). If we talk about the ABAP programs and their applications then we come to know that ABAP programs

The amazing adventures of kavalier and clay Essay

The amazing adventures of kavalier and clay - Essay Example With these ideas, they come up with a symbol of the two- The Escapist. This paper will look into the unfolding in the book giving a clear understanding of the same. The Escapist is the alter ego of Joe and Sam in several ways. Joe is a trained escapist. As such, he is able to escape most of the challenging things he faces just like the Escapist. He manages to escape the reign of the Nazis in Prague. He even uses his artistic creativity put the experience on paper. There are instances were he also escapes. The happy relationship he had with Rosa, for instance. He also escapes the carbon monoxide poisoning, madness, his family, as well as, Sammy. Joe is a real-life escapist in the novel. Sammy escapes from reality through daydreaming. He manages to escape from having to travel with his father. Another instance where Sammy’s escapism is manifested is when he escapes from providing for his family; mother and grandmother. However, his escapist nature is brought out more clearly when he escapes from the reality of his being homophobic. When he is publicly said to be a homosexual, he is relieved. The alter ego is crucial for the Escapist. This other self revealed in the escapist gives a leeway for the escapist to avoid some situations that are challenging. Realism is heightened with the escapist roaming the world to rescue those chained by despotism. An insight of the lives of Joe and Sammy is brought out. Escapism and their alter egos play vital roles in bringing out the stories of their lives. The feelings of these characters are brought out in many instances. Feelings of guilt on exuberant living are felt by Sammy. His sexual orientation is also brought out revealing some of the intimate issues affecting the characters. Love and happiness is also explored within the escapism theme. Both Joe and Sammy find love in Rosa and Tracy. Joe leaves Rosa after he fails to protect his brother. He considers himself a failure thus the

Existence of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Existence of God - Essay Example I feel that this argument is the strongest because it is the one that is seen most often, especially in a religious setting. It is something that is entirely based off of faith; it is the one argument does not require evidence for a person to believe that such a thing as God does exist, which, in my opinion, makes it one of the strongest arguments. Many people believe that God is not something that should be, but needs to be. They can find no other evidence to support the creation of the universe, of humans, or of anything else that is upon this Earth. They are unable to explain what they believe to be miracles, nor do they fully understand why some things happen and others do not. Yet, while they can find no solid, concrete evidence for the existence of God, they still believe that, based on intuition and reason, God does, in fact, exist, and he is the being behind the aforementioned events. One of the reasons that I feel that this is the strongest argument is because there are so many people out there that are ready to stand up for this belief, regardless of the fact that they have nothing solid to prove for it. This act is known as faith; in this case, I believe that faith can replace the lack of evidence, even if faith is not something that can be seen or felt, though it is capable of being witnessed by others when someone believes strong enough. I am one of those people that believe the only evidence needed to prove the existence of God is the intuitive feeling of a person; if someone did not believe that something or someone existed, like God, then they would not feel it and they would leave that argument and position alone. However, if they feel so strongly about something that can yield no proof, then I think that that is all the proof that is needed. That is what faith is - acting on something because you believe it, because you feel that there is no other way or no other explanations for some

King Corn assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

King Corn - Assignment Example Overproduction implies that additional characteristics have been introduced thus triggering huge productions. It is feasible to produce excess especially with the prologue of GMOs that bear exceptional attributes such as disease resistant and high yields. Having cheap food enables the populace to acquire the right foods to ensure a healthy nation. Cheap foods allow for the direction of the monetary resources to other areas within the economy thus triggering economic growth. Although cheap foods have their own benefits, they bear their own drawbacks. Cheap foods are often considered being inferior quality due to the techniques of their production. Cheap foods often encourage unhealthy eating since foods are readily available. Consequently, it causes the emergence of obesity within the populace. These foods present inferior quality since they may contain numerous chemical addition and other harmful chemicals (Alter 1). Yes, because they have been grown using the most natural ways without chemicals that contribute to health problems. Paying more for a commodity that saves one from future problems cannot be much to

Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reading Summary - Essay Example It was thereby specifically identified that Thomas Cook had envisioned to take this remarkable opportunity to market visiting these battlefields in 1919, as advertised in the Traveller’s Gazette. As reported, two forms of travel were initially offered: (1) the first class luxury travel and (2) a more popular travel by motor car from Paris. Excerpts of descriptions of these battlefields were cited to provide the readers with the overview on how these were promoted through the Traveller’s Gazette. Facts were likewise provided in the rates for luxury travel, as well as scheduled departures for the battlefield tours during those times. Likewise, rates and schedules were also revealed for the popular travel tours which initially lasted for about one-week. Overall, the article was successful in indicating that even events related to deaths of loved ones through their bravery and courage in battlefields have been strategically capitalized to spur growth in tourism. Summary: â €Å"A New Way of Thinking About Tourism† The article entitled â€Å"A New Way of Thinking About Tourism† discussed the innovative point of view that classifies tourism as mobile and highly connected to people’s daily activities. ... The author rationalized that the focus on mobility naturally emerged with the onset of the telecommunications developments in recent times. The effect of the cited space-time compressions enabled immediate access to places and locations with speed that spans across distance in shorter time frames. As emphasized, readers were illumined on the possibility of thinking about tourism through a leisure mobility spectrum which was apparently described as a day’s activity could include visiting tourist spots, hotels, and other tourist events and be able to access or return to one’s domicile within a day’s frame. The thrust of tourism and mobility is to integrate and connect events usually associated with tourism to other social activities, which are seen as connected, rather than distinct, separate or distant. The recent developments in transport, technology, communications, and opportunities to span across borders of time and space were noted to be instrumental for the emergence of mobility in tourism. Summary: â€Å"Get Ahead: why travel and tourism is the sector to be in† Recent trends on the global market see the travel and tourism industry as one among those with vast growth potentials. In the article entitled â€Å"Get Ahead: why travel and tourism is the sector to be in† written by Jesse Whittock and published online in the Travel Trade Gazette on November 28, 2012. Sourcing the information from the chief executive of People 1st’s travel and tourism, hospitality and passenger travel sector skills council, Brian Wisdom, it was revealed that despite the economic gloom, this particular sector remains robust with statistics that back up the optimistic trend.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Environmental problems to health, quality of life, and longevity of Coursework

Environmental problems to health, quality of life, and longevity of people - Coursework Example The water vendors escalate the prices of water due to high demand for the commodity. Families have to forego the purchase of food in order to have money to buy water. This has been raising the living standards beyond the reach of many families. Children are under high risks because their bodies are not well adapted to the tough conditions. Many of the children die at very tender age because their bodies cannot adapt to the harsh living conditions. The water is so polluted and contains disease causing organisms. As a result, the children’s disease fighting mechanism is overwhelmed by constant attacks from disease causing bacteria. However, even the adults are at very high risks. This is because they have been exposed to these conditions for a very long time. Although their bodies have adapted to the conditions, they are likely to suffer from diseases, an aspect that affect the financial positions of their

Gender Differences in Smoking Cessation Success Essay

Gender Differences in Smoking Cessation Success - Essay Example Studies show that women are at a higher risk of smoking-related diseases, including lung cancer (Kure et al. 1996; Dally et al. 2003). Research has also shown that cessation among women is more difficult compared to their male counterparts (Perkins 2001; Swan, Ward, Carmelli & Jack 1993; Green, Lynn, & Montgomery 2006; 2008). Possible reasons for gender differences have been suggested by researchers to include women’s concern about weight gain, and increase in negative mood during cessation attempts and a greater need for social support from family and peers (Jensvold, Hamilton, & Halbreich 1996; Hatsukami, Skoog, Allen, & Bliss 1995; Pierce, Lee, & Gilpin 1994; Grunberg, Winders, & Wewers 1991). Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that some studies have failed to identify any significant gender differences in cessation success (Cinciripini et al. 1995; Fortmann & Killen 1995: Killen, Fortmann, Newman, & Varady 1990). In light of these contradictory findings my literature review will focus on the evidence both for and against gender differences in the cessation of smoking in order to gain an insight into the nature of any variations in cessation success. This paper has a whole focuses on the gender differences in smoking cessation success. This paper is divided into executive summary, introduction, methodology, literature review and conclusion. The methodology adopted for the research is qualitative one in which, a detailed literature review will be given to analyze the gender differences in smoking cessation success. For this purpose, a number of books, articles and journals are consulted for collection of suitable information for the review. Some of the writings are left out because of their inadequacy according to the need of the review while others are employed for writing a detailed literature review. â€Å"Current Concept in Adolescent Smoking† by Pletcher and Schwarz is not included in the

Sport and recreation facilities in the UK Essay

Sport and recreation facilities in the UK - Essay Example The Council of Europe has defined sport as ‘all forms of physical activity, which through casual or organized participation aim at improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming relationships, or obtaining results in competitions at all levels’.The state itself accrues bigger sums each year, aimed at the development of such facilities; however, these facilities themselves are in greater demand at present, and among the reasons for such growing their popularity may be close interaction between the state and the society – while the state promotes the role of sport in the life of people, people themselves, understanding the increasing levels of fatal cases of heart and other diseases, join sports and try to lead active way of life. One of the directions of the Labor party’s policies was in promoting sports not only as the means of making the state respected in the world for its sport achievements, but mainly to make special stress that sport makes à ¢â‚¬Ëœsignificant difference to the life of individuals, communities and nation as a whole’ a number of the organizations, which deal with sports from the viewpoint of attracting individuals, grows annually, but one of the most prominent ones is Sport England; this organization has created a Strategic Alliance Team, which works in close cooperation with the government, promoting a number of initiatives, among which are ‘Physical activity and health’, ‘Community cohesion and sport’,   etc.... One of the directions of the Labor party's policies was in promoting sports not only as the means of making the state respected in the world for its sport achievements, but mainly to make special stress that sport makes 'significant difference to the life of individuals, communities and nation as a whole'. (Chandler, 2002) The amount of the organizations, which deal with sports from the viewpoint of attracting individuals, grows annually, but one of the most prominent ones is Sport England; this organization has created a Strategic Alliance Team, which works in close cooperation with the government, promoting a number of initiatives, among which are 'Physical activity and health', 'Community cohesion and sport', 'Neighbourhood renewal unit', etc. (Holt, 2002) For example, the organization actively cooperates with the British Heart Foundation, and as it is known, sports and heart diseases are closely connected, especially with such diseases now becoming the principal reasons of fatali ty among across all age groups. The organization actively promotes sport through public health messages, which also becomes one more reason for the more active development and higher popularity of the sport and recreational facilities in the UK. Bristol University is undertaking a comprehensive review on behalf of the Department of Health, which would underpin these messages The report willl focus on the scientific support for accumulated physical activity, ie 10 minutes chunks to build up to the government's 30 minutes five-times-a-week recommendation.This work will feed into that of the Activity Coordination Team (ACT), a cross-governmental group that works with a wide range of partners to develop a strategy to meet the Game Plan target of 70% of the population becoming

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cyber Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cyber Security - Essay Example In a computing context, the word security is used to denote cyber security. Effective cyber security employs coordinated efforts throughout the information system. Some of the major elements of cyber security include end-user education, application security, disaster recovery/ business continuity planning, network security and information security (Marshall, 85). World governments devote huge sums of their annual budgets towards enhancing cyber security with the United States in particular, since 2010 allocating over 13 million USD annually for the next 5 years to cyber security. The traditional way of ensuring cyber security has been to dedicate most of the effort and resources on the most crucial system components in attempts to keep in check the biggest known threats while partly neglecting some less important system components. However, this method has proved greatly insufficient especially in the age of the rapidly and constantly changing nature of security risks. Most cyber security measures are now embracing guidelines in their risk assessment framework that recommends a shift towards continuous monitoring and real-time assessments (Singer and Allan,

Paul's Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Paul's Case - Research Paper Example These feelings, combined with all of the pressures surrounding him, alienate Paul from any chance of normalcy. However, it has only been within the past three decades that critics have begun talking about the homosexual undertones of the story – that perhaps Paul’s difference is the result of his homosexual tendencies and his despair is due to his awareness that these tendencies place him forever outside of the community he so desperately wants to be a part of. From this perspective, the ugliness of the world around him becomes a metaphor for the ugliness of a world that refuses to accept a person simply because they feel greater attraction to persons of their own gender rather than the opposite. To read the story as an example of the male homosexual literary tradition, many of the ‘coded passages’ referred to by Larry Rubin become clear. It is primarily through Paul’s eyes that the reader is first made aware that perhaps he doesnt see things in the same way as those around him do. These eyes are described as having a "certain hysterical brilliancy, and he continually used them in a conscious, theatrical sort of way, peculiarly offensive in a boy. The pupils were abnormally large, as though he were addicted to belladonna, but there was a glassy glitter about them which that drug does not produce" (79). Larry Rubin points to these eyes as the first of several examples in the story that contain coded hints that Paul has homosexual tendencies. Other clues that he mentions in his article include the careful way that Paul dresses, his odd relationship with boys who are slightly older and his night on the town with the Yale freshman followed by their ‘cool’ parting which Rubin points out leaves the reader â€Å"with an unshakeable sense of innuendo† (1975: 130). Roger Austen concurs with these el ements of the story as being intentional indications of Paul’s sexual preference. In scenes such as the disapproval Paul receives because of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Documentary Film assignment (Roger and Me) Movie Review

Documentary Film assignment (Roger and Me) - Movie Review Example The film counteracts the modern management and moral pragmatism all in opposition to the mentality in the search for excellence. In the real sense, this movie comprises of corporate newspeak message. Analysis of the importance of profits in the large corporations at the peril of the workers life in provided. In this interesting documentary, there is a procedural indicator of daily flaws in the society. Moore deploys dialects in the film medium to label the face of true capitalism in real life. The most outstanding scene is where Smith gives a speech in Christmas television while, on the other hand; Moore demonstrates the eviction of GM worker. There is a direct correlation between the manipulative nature of corporates and Christmas ceremony hence justifying some heartless nature. Moore is more of a critic unto the stakeholders in the American corporate world. As per the film there is much negativity with some minimal truth hence Moore proves to be unfair. He is also an individual who portrays that corporate neglects and poverty counts as sins hence appeals to minimal

Engineering ethics in Genetic Testing in Children Research Paper

Engineering ethics in Genetic Testing in Children - Research Paper Example Almost all infants born in the US will have their blood samples collected for the screening of a variety of hematologic, endocrine or metabolic conditions or their condition in relation to infectious conditions – during the week following their birth. These tests are administered under the oversight of the respective states, and the testing procedures were started after Guthrie’s call for the diagnosis of phenylketonuria in 1961 (Wilson and Jungner 473). Immediately after the enforcement of the policy, some groups were opposed to the recommendations, giving the reasons that the possibility of harm on some children and the lack of proper dietary intervention did not justify the administration of genetic testing (National Research Council 23). Later, in response to the expansion of public health screening, WHO (World Health Organization) called for the study that led to the 1968 recommendations by Wilson and Jungner (473), enumerating the conditions that met the criteria for mass screening. The policy recommendations remained in place for more than four decades, until the developments made in the field of medicine enabled some authorities to push for changes in the criteria used (Andermann et al. 317). However, irrespective of the changes that have been made, there is the general agreement that population-wide testing, the history of the subjects should be studied, the corrective procedures should be available, and cost-effective testing should be accessible (Institute of Medicine 57).

Why a current television show or movie is so popular Essay

Why a current television show or movie is so popular - Essay Example has emerged to be not just one of the most popular (it is ranked within the top ten biggest grosser of all time) but one artifact that have crept in our consciousness and embedded itself as a lingering icon of modern culture. In a study of the movie, several obvious elements can be seen why the masses embraced Star Wars in an almost cult-like manner. The movie appealed both to children and adults alike because of the combination of the superhero tale and science fiction. For children, there is the story about a boy who became a hero by fighting his own shadow. The narrative is reminiscent of the plotlines that have made myths and fairy tales endure for ages such as the Greek Odyssey. There are several elements, including those that are symbolic, that are present to appeal to the young minds – the robots, Princess Leia, loyal friends, the mystical Jedi knights, amazing locales and gadgets, epical adventures, etc. For adults, the fiction depicting the struggle between good and evil and its science fiction genre proved tantalizing. Then, there were the mature themes of politics and religion, which explored value and meaning in life. The spectacular graphics and epic storytelling communicated to adult preference as well. This appeal is pivotal to the success of the movie. As the movie combined all the pulp fiction genres and stepped into the mythological narrative traditions, people flocked to the theaters. Star Wars was able to introduce a â€Å"family movie† wherein parents and children go, watch and enjoy the movie together. Family outings would have been unthinkable during the golden age of Hollywood. Star Wars is an embodiment of the rise of pop culture in the modern world. Today’s generation look to the media – television, movies and electronic games – not just for entertainment but solace amid a world of busy people, stressed and working parents. As with the other artifacts of the pop culture, the content of Star Wars became for the young generation

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Please read the material and create it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Pericles Speech - Essay Example He holds the idea that for the country to achieve democracy, the orators are obliged with the work of pushing for democracy in loyalty to those who died fighting for it. Another element of Pericles speech is the omission of the mention of the great martial achievements of the Athens past. While he feels that the praise of the martial war is an important aspect of the war, he feels that this is covered sufficiently and opts to talk about the road that they have used to reach the current position. Pericles states that â€Å"that part of our history that tells of the military achievements which gave us our several possessions†¦area theme too familiar†¦. and I shall, therefore, pass it by† (Pericles 4). A good part of his speech focuses on the path that the country has used to reach its freedom. The idea of Pericles is that the pursuit of democracy is a journey that the people should understand to be able to know where to start. Therefore, the speech appreciates the achievements of those who died in the war and informs the public on the need to join in the journey. The third element of the speech of Pericles is the praise of the greatness of the Athens. In his speech, Pericles focused on the key features of democracy in Athens and the way these have given the country its greatness. He states, â€Å"†¦advancement in public life falls to reputations for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit†¦at Athens, we live exactly as we please†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Pericles 5). The idea of Athens is that the maintenance of openness and liberty pave way for greatness, but do not inhibit development. Pointing out to the values of democracy, Pericles gives out the message that the people must uphold these values if the country has to maintain liberalism, which is crucial for modern democracy. Lincolns and Pericles speech are similar in their reference to the idea of democracy in the country.  Ã‚  

Some economists say world and U.S. economic growth is declining. What Assignment

Some economists say world and U.S. economic growth is declining. What do you think Why - Assignment Example Secondly, it entails unregulated access to markets. This implies that countries can freely enter the international market without any restriction. Thirdly, it involves trading without including taxes or other barriers (Brakman 18). Fourthly, it countries are not restricted in accessing market information thus ensuring that companies within are able to get adequate information concerning global market an aspect that makes them competitive. Another significant aspect of free trade is that it involves trade agreements between states. Despite the merits of free trade especially in the efforts to achieve globalization, it has generated criticism not only in developed countries but also in the third world states. The first criticism of free trade is that it retrograde development. According to Friedrich List, a German-American economist, regions that have adequate raw materials and natural resources such Africa and Arab countries develop at a slow rate as compared to states without such resources. This is based on the fact that there was a massive exportation of raw materials that was done forcefully leading to slow economic development in the exporting countries. Free trade is argued to use more resources to distribute. For example, critics indicate that delivering of products to other countries results to an environmental impact due to the fossil fuel generated. The fossil fuel also entails other externalities. The cost of reducing the environmental impact is reflected in the market prices of goods making the whole process of exporting expensive. Another criticism of free trade is that it prevents young industries from developing. Based on the importation of external products for example f rom developed countries, developing countries experience reduction in the demand for local products resulting to restriction of their expansion. The influence of foreign companies is

Enriques Journey Essay Example for Free

Enriques Journey Essay Just as Enrique arrives, there is tension between his mother and him. They begin to argue about how Enrique had developed bad habits such as drinking and staying out late as well as sniffing glue. These problems do not surprise me because he had been through alot on his intense journey all the way from Honduras. It hurt Lourdes to see her son do nothing but hurt himself and her family because the money he was spending on alcohol should have been sent back home to help pay for school. Enrique also put his mother down by constantly making her feel guilty for leaving and that she did not deserve to call herself his mother. Looking back at the relationship between them before she left, I thought that their relationship would have been stronger than ever after not seeing each other for years and that he would appreciate the fact that he found her unlike many of the other immigrants that search for years and are still unable to find their family members. Enriques motivation to stay in the United States is work and buy a house back in Honduras not to mention the amount of money he is making allows him to afford a lot more than he could back in Honduras. He wishes to continue working so he can support his girlfriend and his daughter back home in Honduras as well as buy a house so that he can move in with his girlfriend and daughter and finally be a family. He thinks that his girlfriend is cheating on him and he realizes that he wants to be there for his daughter and raise her before she calls someone else her father. Rather than Enrique moving back home he decides that he wants his girlfriend and the baby to move to the United States with him. I believe that there is so much conflict between Enrique and Lourdes is because Lourdes is trying to mother and discipline Enrique when she was not there raise him so he feels as if she is not his mother anymore. If she had not left and raised her family as her own they would not have any problems with their relationship and most likely Enrique would have not got himself into trouble by abusing drugs and drinking too much. I believe once Enrique begins to pick up his act and stops abusing drugs and drinking and coming home late his relationship with his mother would become better as well as eing able to function the next day and able to perform well at work so he can earn enough to visit his family back home in Honduras. I believe that Enrique made the correct decision coming to the United States, although he put his life in danger he reached his goal and finally got to see his mother after many years. Despite making the same mistake as his mother and leaving his girlfriend and daughter for a job to help pay for their needs, I believe it is necessary because if Enrique was back home there was a chance he could not have even had a job and then he would have had no way to support his family. He gained many things by coming to the United States. He had an opportunity to provide a decent living for his family as well as reuniting with his mother even though it was not easy for them at first. Enrique, on his journey, lost his sense of pride. After being harassed by so many times by the local police, he had nothing left to the point where it would have made no difference if he had died. He is in jeopardy of losing his family being many thousands of miles away from them, his girlfriend could leave him for someone who is making a better living in Honduras and would be able to be there to help raise their kids.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Visual Literacy Essay Example for Free

Visual Literacy Essay 1. Although Howling Wolf’s drawing is seen as naively executed by the standards of Western art, why do we conclude that his record of the treaty signing event is more honest than the illustration rendered by the other artist? * In Howling Wolf drawing he included the â€Å"Medicine Lodge Creek.† His drawing had Native American women with their backs turned away from the people while they watched the signing. This to me was drawn to make the women look as if they had played an important role in the signing. He included a red strip of paint in their hair to show they were married women. Artist John Taylor did not include â€Å"Medicine Lodge Creek† in his drawing. Taylor’s drawing only included one lady by the name of Mrs. Margaret Adams. She was supposed to be the interpreter for the Arapaho. I think that Taylor’s drawing is dishonest because he did not correctly draw Wolf’s drawing. Wolf’s drawing is more honest because he drew full ledge women and drew proof of the signing. I think that Taylor’s drawing was bias towards the black women. He did not include the Native women because he did not want to show that they played a big role in the treaty signing. 2. Why did the White artist ignore the many native women who were present at the treaty signing? Do you think this omission was deliberate or unintentional due to cultural bias? * He may have thought they weren’t as important as Mrs. Margaret Adams. Since she was the daughter of a French Canadian trapper she showed more importance in his drawing. I think he ignored them in his drawing to be bias because they were Native Americans. He could see that in Wolf’s drawing they played an important role witnessing the treaty signing. Taylor in my opponent didn’t want them to be of any importance in his drawing. By portraying only one woman he was trying to change the original picture. He made his drawing include the people he felt was of importance to the treaty signing. I think he left them out because he didn’t want the Native American to feel as if they were any more important than Mrs. Margaret Adams. Another reason I feel he left them out is because they may have had a great deal in what the treaty said and he did not want to portray that in his drawing.

Perfect competition Essay Example for Free

Perfect competition Essay Monopoly is the final type of market structure in which a single seller dominates trade in a good or service for which buyers can find no close substitutes. A monopoly is distringuished from a monospony, in which there is only one buyer of a product or service. It can also have a monopsony control of a sector of a market. All types of Monopolies can be established by a government, form by integration. The way Monopoly derive their market power is from a berrier to entry. There are three major tpes of barriers to entry which are the economic, legal, and deliberate. Im going to tell you how each one works and what it is helpful more. First, the economic barriers include economies of scale, capital requirements, cost advantages, and the technological superiority. Secondly, are the Legal barriers. It can provide opportunity to monopolise the marker of a good. Lastly, is the Deliberate actions whivh a company has been wanting to monopolise a market may engage in various types of deliberate action to exclude competitos or eliminate competition. Market structures are very important in Monopoly. It provides he basis topics such as industrial organization and economics of regulation. Traditional economic analysis, perect competition, monopolictic competition, oligololy, and monopoly are the four types of market structures. Monopoly versus competitive markets is a challenge. They are similar due to the fact that they both minimize costs and maximize profit. Presiding over eachothers territory can cost millions. Many governments regulate monopolies because a monopoly market lacks the benefts of competition. The U. S. Governement appiles laws against monopoly behavior by Microsoft not allowing big companies in some industries. The Government permits certain monoplies in exchange for regulating their activites. A pure monopoly has the same exact economic retionailty of perfectly competitive companies. Total revenue and total cost maximizes a monopol over a chose of the cost.

Goldenstate Manufacturers Pvt Ltd Business Essay

Goldenstate Manufacturers Pvt Ltd Business Essay Goldenstate Manufacturers has a purpose that is too boost in textiles operating and basically to make Profit in operation with textile garments. They are also in top five business and they still want to be in market for Competition and maintain there Image, reputation and status within the Garment processing industry. Main focus for Goldenstate is to raise the productivity level with high quality output. As seen in the case-study, they were in top five company but they gone down due to customer complain due to poor finished good quality that when the goal was put on to strive for it. Optimize the production and improve the quality of the finished garment. It differs from a Non Profitable Organisation because Goldenstate operates for profit, Brand Name, Image and reputation. Non Profit Organization operates for social service such as Red Cross, Welfare Services, Church, and Mosque. These companies operate to serve the community, provide service to the people, they at times use volunteers to work for them, and normally operate through Aids from bigger organizations or government organisations but Goldenstate has a structure, a management and guide lines for their employees who do paid jobs. (Notes from Lecturer) Answer 1.2 Organisation Chart Goldenstate Manufacturers ( Pvt) Ltd. Board of Directors CEO Mark Fraser HR and RD Depart Accounting Finance OperationManager Carl 1500 + staffs Knitting Dept Manager Adam Sales Marketing Dyeing Dept Manager James Finishng Dept Manager Ron Cutting Dept Stitching Dept Purchase Dept Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Quality Control QC Staffs 100+ Staffs Staffs Staffs Team Leaders Staffs Team Leaders Staffs Team Leaders Staffs Team Leaders Staffs Team Leaders Staffs Staffs Answer 1.3 Explain how effective you feel the organization is and list the main skills and competencies needed for it to be competitive? Goldenstate is not an effective company: they are lacking in speed production, lacking in communication, they are disorganized and are getting customer complaints due to low grade finished well. High performance was not shown. Co-coordinating the flow of work was less. Examples are like, Carl is firm, strict and finds it hard to communicate, high work pressure in production, lack of liberty for staffs, Dyeing and Cutting overstaffed, production held up in stitching. Goldenstate can use the following skills to reach the end product with high quality to be competitive: Working guidelines can be issued to each staff. Performance Appraisal. E.g. Clear working guidelines, procedures followed. Responsibility and Accountability to be notified. E.g., Quality Control must be thorough checked at each stage of production, and production to rectify the faults before shipment such this can help in increasing company image and make customers happy. Ease in the flow of work. E.g.: Each department must complete their share of task on time considering other sections as well. Clear priorities and work schedules. Staff credits (praises) and encouragement can be a key to success in retaining staffs as well as increasing quality production. (notes from Lecturer ) Team work, respect between Management and Staffs Crystal clear communications between CEO, Managers and Staffs with show effectiveness in GoldenState. Planning of Time and Staff Management should be done weeks earlier so that staffs are not over pressured. They should have a good flow of communication between Managers and Staff members E.g. Meetings, memos(notes from Lecturer ) Question 2 Answer 2.1 Explain the leadership styles of Adam, the Knitting Manager, and James the Dying Manager, and comment on how appropriate you these are in the current situation? James, the Dyeing Manager is liked by his team as his personality here shows that he is like a Laissez Faire. E.g.: the staffs taking care of themselves and James does not say anything and as well as Participative. laissez faire- where the leader sits back and allows things to happen. For example, James, the Dyeing Manager. The leadership style of Adam, the Knitting Manager is straight forward as he quotes My way or NO way is Autocratic. Adam has the control and power over his command. his way is what he wants from his staffs is that things are to be done and accomplished as per his rules. In current situation, his way the staffs under Adam may feel pressured which can result in staff leaving job, lack of communication, not taking staff feedbacks. (notes from Lecturer ) Though as a manager he is responsible for his teams output, he still analyses the situation his way and staffs do it their way to meet output which can be noted as individual participation or good team work, a healthy relationship with staffs. In current situation, James feel accepted and may understand their responsibilities. James is flexible as well as its mentioned that he takes no action if mistake is made. He can attentioned as a Team Player i.e. if one doesnt do he must be doing it himself as a team worker. Overall the company needs to optimize the production and improve the quality of products, so these Managers are doing their best what they can to meet the goals for GoldenState. (notes from Lecturer ) Answer 2.2 Use any motivational theory, or theories, to advise Adam, the Knitting Manager, how he might motivate his staff so they will remain with the company. Make sure you explain what he must do and how he might do it? Currently Adam has a my way or no way theory which does not motivate the staff. To motivate the staff, Adam has to show some Empathy which can show a likeness in staff and feel welcomed at all time. He must encourage and motivate his staffs by offering the liberty to certain extent only, being friendly with them, offer the work diversity or in-house training(considering company budget). To do all this Adam should have regular staff meeting and call for feedbacks from staffs, ask for new ideas and what and how else staff thinks they can be more effective (basic needs and expectancies). Adam can also call for incentives, he should be supportive. In this way staffs will feel welcomed and later Adam should represent his team with his superiors outlaying his department (notes from Lecturer ) concerns. This is the easy and right way of communicating within an organization. Adam should (Ethics) build his trust and confidence amongst his staffs and be a role model and feel accepted and should feel himself in the team. Staff credits (praises) and encouragement can be a key to success in retaining staffs as well as increasing quality production. Job rotation, enrichment and enlargement. Adam can also use the two factor theory like Hygiene factor and Motivator factor. ( recognition, achievement credits, Job security, Organizational policies). The Maslow Hierarchy of needs and Expectancy motivations can also be used by Adam as follows. (notes from Lecturer ) The Maslow Hierarchy of needs and Expectancy motivations can also be used by Adam as follows. Level of performance required by Adam Final expected outcome from Adam and the business. Jobs required by Adam for staff GOLDENSTATE MANUFACTURERS Success Self esteem and confidence Belongingness. Friendliness of staff The Safety and security of the staff Basic needs of staff such as Food, Water, Shelter. Physiological Answer 2.3 Mark the CEO Has told Ron, the Finishing Manager, that he should delegate more. Explain to Ron the steps he must take to delegate effectivevely making sure you clearly explain what he has to do at each step and how he might be able to do kit? According to Mark the CEO, Ron (Finishing Manager) should be more delegative. Ron should take the following steps to effectively operate his team of staffs, as we can notice in case-study that the workers turnover in Finishing Knitting is high. Ron should share the goal of the company with each staff saying that the goal for Goldenstate is optimizing the production and improve the quality of the finished garment, regain Reputation and Image and say lets work towards these goals as a united team. He must also say that improvement suggestions as feedback in knitting process will be highly appreciated. Delegation is a vital management skill. The advise that I can give Ron is: Call up a Team meeting and praise all his staffs for the good work they doing. And say to all that once a person gains experience in this Textile (Garment ) industry, there are higher chances for responsibilities and promotions. Task to be given to the people who Ron thinks is capable of to all. Such as his team has more workers turnover he can assign certain task and also carry on training for those less experience. The Finishing team should be advised by Ron about meeting the deadlines and quality as well, and each member must help each other to accomplish the deadline. Ron must clearly advise his team on Checking and controlling the checking dying, stitching,etc before working on finishing that this is where QCs can be advised. Ron should give his full support and communicate to the bottom level and must also credit for success..e.g. say thanks to each individual on the effort they put in to meet quality. Work review must be done by Ron on daily basis e.g.: checking the assigned task on finishing garments. Ron should plan his weekly target, arrange his weekly working roster and ask the staff for any flexibility and comfort if they have any..e.g. not getting extra workers per shift. Friendliness with authoritative accountabilities to responsible staffs will make them feel accepted and them willing to showÂ   extra effort at work. Smart Delegations can get work done Smartly. Ron should also advise his team that when a product reaches Finishing Team and if they find a fault upon QC inspection, it should be NOTIFIED immediately to the supervisor or Ron where Ron can then advise accordingly.Â   These were few the view points for Ron to take and follow to have an efficient team to accomplish the GoldenStates goal and if all the departments work hand in hand they will meet there expected goal and gain customer trust in the market again. There are in the market to be top in competitive garment market and be a leading role model.

Friday, September 20, 2019

MRI for Diagnosis of Mycetoma or Madura Foot

MRI for Diagnosis of Mycetoma or Madura Foot â€Å"Dot in Circle† sign — a unique attribute of mycetoma foot on MRI: a report of two cases Aggarwal A, Gupta M, Patel B N, Patel S B Abstract Mycetoma or Madura Foot is a chronic localized granulomatous disease characterized by exuberant granulomatous tissue formation involving the subcutaneous plane. It is most common in tropical countries. Diagnosis has been traditionally done by microbiological culture and histopathological tissue diagnosis but these are often difficult to obtain and frequently inconclusive. MRI has recently emerged as a promising technique for early and prompt diagnosis of Mycetoma with the description of a highly specific sign called as â€Å"Dot in Circle† sign. We hereby present 2 cases showing this characteristic â€Å"Dot in circle† sign on MRI and thereby establishing the diagnosis of Madura Foot. Patient 1 A 52-year-old male farmer by occupation presented with a painless swelling involving the left foot, which had been operated on elsewhere two times. Previous reports of surgery were not available. Examination revealed a non tender, large swelling involving whole of the left foot and the ankle joint. It was associated with numerous chronic discharging sinuses. (Fig 1) General examination was unremarkable and the soft tissue was normal. Rotuine blood and biochemical investigations were also unremarkable. Plain radiograph revealed a soft tissue mass in the left foot with advanced bony destruction mainly involving the tarsal, metatarsals and phalanges without any calcification. MRI scan was performed to evaluate the disease further. MRI showed a soft tissue mass lesion, diffuse hyperintensity involving subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and intermuscular fascial planes. There were also multiple focal fluid collections seen in the fascial plane with ulceration of overlying skin. The mass demons trated characteristically conglomerate areas of multiple, inconspicuous, small 3–4 mm oval to round hyperintense lesions, which were separated by a low-signal-intensity rim in the subcutaneous plane of the dorsum of the foot. The centre of few of these lesions showed a small hypointense focus, resulting in the dot-in-circle sign (Figs. 2, 3). The underlying bones showed cortical erosions mainly involving the tarsal, metatarsals and phalanges. On the basis of the above clinical and radiological findings, a diagnosis of mycetoma foot was put forward. A biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis which revealed granulomatous inflammation and presence of eumycetoma (Fig. 4). Patient 2 A 37 year old male, complained of mass in the left foot for the past 2 years. Examination revealed multiple numerous discharging sinuses with skin ulcerations. The discharging sinuses did not contain any grains which is usually pathognomonic of Madura mycosis. Plain frontal radiograph of the left foot shows soft tissue mass with severe destruction of the bone along with a palisade type of periosteal reaction mainly involving the tarsals and metatarsals (Figs. 5). The patient underwent MRI for evaluation and extent of the disease. Similarly, the lesion showed marked inflammatory changes in the left foot with cortical erosion, with micro-abscesses formation. The characteristic dot in circle sign (Figs. 6) was described and diagnosis of mycetoma foot was made. The patient underwent an excision biopsy. Histopathology showed eumycetoma. Images Figure 2. T2-weighted axial MR cut sections  of the left foot shows extensive inflammatory  changes. Multiple hyperintense lesions which were small and round in shape and separated by tissue of low signal intensity  are noted. Some of these lesions (arrows) show a  central small focus of hypointensity, resulting in the characteristic  dot-in-circle sign. Figure 3 T2-weighted fat-saturated coronal MR image of  the left foot shows multiple microabscesses separated by  a low-intensity matrix seen posteriolaterally. Marked inflammatory changes with multiple fluid collections are noted in the fascial plane. Figure 4 Haematoxylin and Eosin( HE) : Fungal organisms  surrounded by granulation tissue. Figure 6 T2-weighted axial MR image  of the left foot shows extensive inflammatory  changes with cortical erosion. Multiple small spherical  hyper-intense lesions separated by tissue of low signal intensity  are noted. Some of these lesions show a  small foci of hypointensity centrally, resulting in the  dot-in-circle sign. Note the presence of multiple  microabscess. Discussion Madurai Mycosis is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by 2 group of organisms, the Eumyces which are also called as true fungi or eumycetoma, and the Actinomyces, which are the filamentous form also called as Actinomycetales or actinomycetoma. The disease was first described in the Madurai district in the state of Tamil Nadu, hence the eponym Madura foot. The infective organisms are normal inhabitants of the soil and cause infection by direct implantation into the skin, most commonly the foot in individuals walking bare foot. Patients classically present with multiple subcutaneous nodules which are characteristically painless. These may give rise to fistulae formation, often associated with a purulent discharge. The disease progresses slowly and over long term leads to abscess formation, sinus tracts, osteomyelitis, and fistula formation ultimately resulting in severe deformity and disability if treatment is not provided [4] . Histologically the disease is characterized by formation of so called ‘‘grains’’, which are found embedded in the abscesses. These grains are nothing but aggregates of the organism and are surrounded by extensive granulation tissue. Initially there is soft tissue swelling with induration which later progresses to form multiple discharging sinus with or without bone involvement. [5] Radiological investigations play a significant role in arriving at the diagnosis swiftly especially since tissue cultures are seldom diagnostic. Radiographs may be normal early in the disease process but later show varying degree of soft tissue swelling with destruction of the bone in form of sclerosis, cavity formation and classical palisade type of periosteal reaction. This is followed by expansion of the bone with scalloping of the cortex or osteoporosis. This condition mimics bacterial osteomyelitis but in mycetoma the bones are usually detsroyed from the outside, giving rise to characteristic â€Å"Moth eaten appearance†. [2] The â€Å"Dot in circle† sign has emerged has a highly specific sign for the diagnosis of this condition and is based on the understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease process. It reflects the unique pathological feature of mycetoma and consists of multiple small round hyperintense lesions of size measuring around 3-5 mm surrounded by a hypointense rim. The small hyperintense lesions represent the granulation tissue and the surrounding hypointense rim represents the intervening stroma having fibrous septations. The low-signal intensity dot in the centre is due to the presence of fungal grains which causes a susceptibility effect on MRI. This is a unique appearance and is easily recognisable in mycetoma. [1] This sign was proposed by Sarris et al. in 2003 on T2-weighted, STIR, and T1-weighted fat-saturated gadolinium enhanced images. Conclusion We conclude by saying that mycetoma is a severe debilitating disease with high morbidity. Until now the diagnosis of the disease was limited to clinical picture supplemented by biopsy and microbiological culture which were difficult to obtain and proved to be inconclusive in many cases. MRI has emerged as an excellent investigation in mycetoma and helps to arrive at the diagnosis much earlier in the course of disease thereby further helping in reducing the morbidity and rate of complications. Awareness of this characteristic sign is important in view of the scarcity of reports that describe it in the literature and with increasing use of MRI in the evaluation of soft tissue tumours. [3] Ref: S, Betty M, Manipadam MT, Cherian VM, Poonnoose PM, Oommen AT, et al. The â€Å"dot-in-circle† sign A characteristic MRI finding in mycetoma foot: A report of three cases.Br J Radiol.2009;82:662–5. Mycetoma revisited. Incidence of various radiographic signs. Abd El-Bagi ME, Fahal AH Saudi Med J. 2009 Apr; 30(4):529-33. Kumar J, Kumar A, Sethy P, Gupta S. The dot-in-circle sign of mycetoma on MRI.Diagn Interv Radiol.2007;13:193–5. Lewall DB, Ofole S, Bendl B. Mycetoma. Skeletal Radiol 1985; 14:257–262. Magana M. Mycetoma, some clinical and histopathological features.Turk J Dermatopathol.1994;3:94.